
To show how BiRG works, we will create a recipe for a software called kallisto. We will start with generating an initial recipe, with basic information about kallisto. This recipe will then be given as input to BiRG, which will find the necessary dependencies required to build, test and run the software.

We assume that you are using the docker image that we provide, but if you have installed BiRG from source, the tutorial still applies, just go directly to Recipe Initilization.

Using the Docker Container

The docker container should be called with the following settings, so that the container and the host system can communicate.

$ docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
             -v $PWD:/home \
             --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
             -it perhogfeldt/birg:latest \

In the rest of this tutorial you can just replace birg with the above command.

Here is a short explanation on what the settings are for, if you are not so familiar with docker.

The first volume we added, with -v, is the unix socket that the docker client uses to talk with the docker server. We need to add this socket, since the container will need to spin up more containers, when it tries to build the software. The second volume will bind the containers home direcetory to the host systems current directory, this will make sure that files can be shared. the –user option makes sure that files created on you system will be owned by your current user and -it just makes sure that you can communicate with the container directly in your current terminal.

If you prefer not to write all the settings every time you call birg, we recommend exporting the settings in an environment variable like this:

$ export BIRG="-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
                       -v $PWD:/home --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
                       -it perhogfeldt/birg:latest"

Then you can just call birg with the environment variable:

$ docker run $BIRG <birg-command>

Recipe Initilization

First we will generate an initial recipe, this can be done by using the command birg init. BiRG will then ask for basic information about the software and create a directory named after the software, which contains two files called meta.yaml and build.sh. These files are the initial recipe, that we will transform into the final recipe.

The init command will ask for the following informations:

  • Name

  • Version

  • Source url

  • A build strategy to use

Here is the initialization of kallisto:

$ birg init
Package name: kallisto
Version: 0.46.2
Url to download the code: https://github.com/pachterlab/kallisto/archive/v0.46.2.tar.gz
Choose the strategy that you use to run your code
['cmake', 'python2', 'python3']: cmake

The Recipe

The basic recipe created by init, can be found in the newly created directory called kallisto and should look like this:

    name: kallisto
    version: 0.46.2
    url: https://github.com/pachterlab/kallisto/archive/v0.46.2.tar.gz
    md5: a6257231c6b16cac7fb8ccff1b7cb334
    number: 0
  mkdir -p build
  cd build
  cmake ..
  make install

This is the minimal initial recipe, that you can give as input to BiRG. To make it easier for BiRG to find run-time dependencies it is important to add tests to the meta.yaml file. If you have a patch or would like to add some additional meta data, feel free to do so. For information on what data and configuration you can add to a recipe, see the official Conda documentation here

Before using the recipe for kallisto as input to BiRG, we will add some tests to the meta.yaml file. By adding tests, we makes sure that BiRG will try and find run-time dependencies as well as build-time dependencies.

    name: kallisto
    version: 0.46.2
    url: https://github.com/pachterlab/kallisto/archive/v0.46.2.tar.gz
    md5: a6257231c6b16cac7fb8ccff1b7cb334
    number: 0
       - kallisto cite

We will also edit the the build.sh, as kallisto requires us to run autoreconf and to set some flags for cmake:


 cd ext/htslib
 cd ../..

 mkdir -p $PREFIX/bin
 mkdir -p build
 cd build
 make install


The recipe for kallisto can be found in our github repo here

Recipe Build

We are now ready to give our inital recipe as input to BiRG. The build command takes two required arguments as shown below:

$ birg build --help
usage: birg build [-h] [-d] recipe_path {cmake,python2,python3}

positional arguments:
  recipe_path           Path to folder with meta.yaml and build.sh templates
                        The ? that you used when creating the template with

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Set this flag if you want to activate the debug mode.
                        This creates an debug.log file that contains all debug

recipe_path: Is the path to the recipe directory which was created by running birg init.

strategy: Here you must tell BiRG which building strategy to use. BiRG currently supports three strategies: cmake, python2 and python3.

Here is an example on how BiRG is called for building kallisto:

$ birg build kallisto/ cmake

When BiRG is running it will print out a lot of text, this is the output from it’s building process. BiRG will also, sometimes, ask for your help, to determine which version of a dependency it should use.

When BiRG is done running it will tell you if it was able to build and run your software, and the output recipe can be found in the directory which was created by the init command.

Here is the final recipe for kallisto:

   name: kallisto
   version: 0.46.2
   url: https://github.com/pachterlab/kallisto/archive/v0.46.2.tar.gz
   md5: a6257231c6b16cac7fb8ccff1b7cb334
   number: 2
   - kallisto cite
   - cmake
   - make
   - automake
   - {{ compiler('cxx') }}
   - hdf5
   - hdf5
   - zlib

 cd ext/htslib
 cd ../..

 mkdir -p $PREFIX/bin
 mkdir -p build
 cd build
 make install

Congratulation you can now add your recipe to Bioconda and share your software.